How To Tighten Sagging Skin On Neck?
When considering how your appearance will age, it’s hard not to take a long look in the mirror and wonder what your face and neck will look like. Pushing and pulling at your neck and face may make your skin look better if it is just a little tighter and firmer. Instead of worrying that this is the beginning of the end for you for younger-looking skin, understand that there are some actions and precautions you can take to help make your skin look and feel its best for longer.
We often forget that our skin does not stop at the chin and that gravity has a much heavier effect on the skin around the neck and chest area due to the natural pull, extra exposure to the sun, and other environmental factors. That said, it is extra important that we take care of the skin on our neck to prevent sagging and keep that sensitive area looking youthful. While skincare products are the best treatments to remove saggy skin, there are also other methods of prevention and treatment that can help reduce, prevent, and get rid of saggy skin on the neck.
1. Eat A Healthy Diet

The reason It is so important to eat a healthy diet is that our body needs energy in order to keep it going in top shape. If we feed our body food that lacks nutrition, we will see that our body can not run itself at an optimal level. Giving your body tons of dense and nutrient-rich vegetables, antioxidant fruit, and omega-3s are great ways to help your body and skin heal and rejuvenate itself from the inside out, preventing any sogginess or skin issues.
2. Stay Hydrated
If we don’t drink water, our cells can shrink and shrivel up, causing us to look tired and dull, making our skin more susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles, and not giving our skin cells the nutrients they need to regenerate at a healthy rate. The longer it takes for our cells to turn over, the higher the chance that our skin will develop fine lines and wrinkles, and get saggy. Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using a hydrating lotion is equally important for skin health.
3. Exercise Your Neck Muscles

You exercise your body to keep it tight and toned, so that should also include areas of your body that you might forget are important. Your neck and face can also be exercised to help stimulate muscles, collagen growth, and healthy cell turnover. Stretch and scrunch up your face to loosen up the muscles, and try smiling in a 6 part process with your mouth closed and your neck tight. Then, tilt your head back and use your neck muscles to hold your head up, tighten, and loosen your face, contracting the muscles and relaxing. This can help strengthen your skin and prevent it from sagging.
4. Invest In An Anti Aging Skin Care System
It is never too young to start getting serious about your skin health. The best thing that you can do is to invest in a skincare regimen that is going to make an impact on your skin health. When looking for a good skincare routine, finding active ingredients that complement each other is important. Retinol is an anti-aging ingredient that helps rebuild collagen and elastin fibers. Hyaluronic Acid is a hydrator and filler that attaches water molecules to skin cells to fill in the space between the skin and the tissue, binding the skin cells and creating a naturally firm and plump look. Peptides are antioxidants that help rid the body of harmful free radicals and boost your immune system to keep your skin in optimal health. Taking all of these ingredients and using them in conjunction with natural ingredients like jojoba oil or aloe vera are excellent ways to ensure you have an effective and natural skincare routine.
5. Protect Yourself From Harmful Rays
The best way to prevent your skin from sagging is to help prevent your skin cells from getting damaged. The most damaging environmental factors on your skin are the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. By applying a broad spectrum sunscreen of over 30 SPF to your face, neck, and chest whenever you leave the house, you have a better chance of keeping your skin cells healthy and holding on to essential elasticity and collagen in the skin that gives it that youthful bounce and the smooth and vibrant appearance. If you want to ensure that you are getting the most out of your sunscreen, use a face cream that protects from the sun and contains active anti-aging ingredients like Retinol. Peptides and Hyaluronic acid.
6. Lose Weight Gradually

If you lose weight in an unhealthy amount of time, your skin does not have the ability to heal itself and shrink back to a normal size. If you lose weight too rapidly and the skin stays stretched out, the weight of the skin plus the gravity causes the skin to continue to stretch and doesn’t allow it to shrink properly. This can cause many complications with people who lose weight because their skin does not match how their body feels. Often, when this happens, people opt to get skin removal surgery because there is no way that the skin is able to shrink back to its original size. If you are attempting to lose weight, you must do so in a healthy and natural way with a realistic goal to give your body proper time to adjust to how it should be.
7. Massage Your Neck With Olive Oil
Combining the naturally relaxing effects of olive oil with the ultra-hydrating and healing properties is essential for treating saggy sinks and creating a smooth, firm, and healthy complexion. When you receive a massage, the muscles and tissues in your body are activated, releasing toxins, and being jumpstarted on their healing and rejuvenation. When your tissues are stimulated, so are collagen production and the repair of elastin fibers, all important to keeping skin looking healthy and young. When you pair this with olive oil, a natural hydrant, your skin will become extremely smooth. Olive oil is also packed with antioxidants that battle free radicals harmful to skin cells, which can keep your skin tight and firm.