How to Clean Window Shutters 7 Tips and Tricks
You might have guests sleeping over for the holidays, you could be throwing a big party, or you may just be catching up with your routine maintenance after neglecting your window shutters for so long. Whatever your reason, these helpful tips on window shutter cleaning should make the task less stressful and a lot easier for you to accomplish. Here are seven tips and tricks to help you clean your window shutters:
Use a Duster
Utilize either a feather or a microfiber type of duster for weekly dusting duties. Having a regular cleaning schedule at least once a week for these blinds or shutters will make maintenance a lot easier for you. According to Blinds Brisbane, a professional company dealing with these fixtures, dusting regularly is the smarter move because dirt will not pile up. The more you put it off, the harder it will be to deal with. Save yourself the aggravation and dust frequently.
Sock It Up
This nifty trick entails wrapping an old sock around a long thin ruler. This clever innovation is the perfect solution to reach those narrow spaces in between the shutters. This tip is particularly useful for metal blinds, which are more fragile and easier to bend if not done with care.
Rub a Fabric Dryer Sheet
Rubbing a dryer sheet is a wonderful trick. Yes, you’re dryer sheet is not just for your clothes. Rubbing it on both sides of the shutter slats will cut down on the amount of dust that clings and binds to your window shutters. It will not zap away dust mites from the air, but this humble sheet will keep them away from your shutters.
Use a Microfiber Dusting Mitt
When family comes without warning, you rush to keep things clean. The best solution for times like these are microfiber dusting mitts on both hands. Rub your hands, which are clothed in mittens, quickly between each slat. Then you can sandwich those shutters in between your hands to get the job done more quickly. If you don’t have a microfiber dusting mitt then you can use a pair of soft socks.
Line with Newspaper
If your window shutters have not been cleaned for a very long time, this means they will be extremely dusty and dirty. Line the bottom part with old newspapers before you start your cleaning chore. These newspapers will help catch the dirt, so it doesn’t land on the floor. This saves you the effort of doing double cleaning.
Vacuum It Up
Every time you vacuum your carpet, use the brush rubber attachment to also clean those blinds or shutters. Might as well do everything in one go and be extra efficient. Using your vacuum cleaner is a great way to suck out dust from those hard to reach areas, particularly those corners and those at the top of tall, elongated windows. If your windows are too tall, then you should consider hiring professionals at least once every six months, so they can do it on your behalf.
Don’t Underestimate a Paintbrush
For super dirty blinds and shutters, whip out that paintbrush for ease of cleaning. Prepare a bucket of soapy water and dip your paintbrush. Then keep on brushing to get those stubborn dirt and grime out. Make sure you have a spritz bottle of clean water, so you can rinse after brushing. The final step is using a dry lint-free cloth to wipe away the wetness. You may have to rinse or wipe that brush every now and then to help stop you from transferring dirt.
Always remember, when you clean those shutters slats regularly, it will make your life a lot easier. Procrastinating will just make things more difficult for you in the long run because the dirt will accumulate and will be harder to clean off. To help you get the job done quicker, you can use dust removing sprays that you can buy in any home store.
In the grand scheme of life, cleaning those window shutters may not seem like such a big deal. But in actuality, they have the capacity to affect your frame of mind. A house that is spic and span, down to the last detail including those window shutters, attracts more positive vibes. However, a dirty, chaotic house adversely affects the mind, making your more stressed. As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness.