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Everything You Should Know about Fertilizing

Gardening is full of secrets you don’t even know about. There are plenty of things you should consider to get a good harvest. The beginner gardeners make many mistakes. Some of them may be fatal to the plants. For example, the use of chemicals often kills all the plants in your patch. Some mistakes affect the quality and quantity of the yields. It’s true about fertilizers, for instance. If you don’t know what it is and why it’s considered to be a very important thing, you should get acquainted with the following information.

Reasons to use fertilizer

It’s very easy to understand that your plants need help. If you keep watering the vines on time, provide them with enough sunlight, and protect them from harmful weather conditions, but the results are still unsatisfactory, it’s time to think about fertilizers. They are the elements that make plants grow and thrive.

The next reason to add boosters is poor soil. It’s not always possible to start a garden in the ideal location. The greater part of states is situated in regions that are far from perfect. There are two ways out. The first one is to organize a hanging garden and fill containers with balanced soil mixture. It’s not a cheap solution. Moreover, you can not grow all the veggies in such a way. That’s why it’s better to apply fertilizers. You should add them to your patch and enjoy the results.

The third reason is to cope with the consequences of plant diseases or extra active weeding. They both affect the fertility of the soil. The experienced gardeners recommend installing landscape fabric to prevent weeding and minimize the harmful effects.

Fertilizers promote growth while the landscape fabric creates the ideal conditions for it.

Types of fertilizers

Yet, before going to the nearest farmer market, it’s better to get to know what types of fertilizers exist. There are plenty of available varieties. The most popular and effective of them are the following:

  • Nitrogen is a straight type. You can hardly find a farmer who has never applied it. Nitrate-based elements are ready to provide crops with all the needed sources for development. It’s of primary importance for growth. Moreover. nitrogen is able to improve the very quality of the crops;
  • Nitrogen with inhibitors is the best choice when it comes to minimizing possible losses. The inhibitors multiply the effectiveness of the fertilizers;
  • Phosphorus is important for photosynthesis, the use of sugar, and energy transfer. You can apply it not only for the vegetables. It’s good for lawn and backyard, too;
  • Potassium plays an important role in the growth and development of plants. It’s cool for dry areas.

Alongside the mineral group, there are organic variations. You may both buy or prepare them by yourself. The most common types are the following:

  • Fallen leaves;
  • Agricultural waste;
  • Livestock manure;
  • Industrial waste.

Both organic and mineral varieties have their pluses and minuses. Yet, you should use at least one of them to boost your harvest.

How to apply fertilizers

It’s not a good idea just to add the components straight to the soil whenever you want it. Moreover, not every plant needs extra elements. Before applying them you have to analyze the structure and condition of your garden.

The start of the spring growing season is the best time for adding general-purpose fertilizers. When it comes to extra nutrients to your greenery, you have to consider the needs of every plant. Some of the vines require more vitamins, others can deal without them at all. To add the component, you are to use a spading fork or cultivator. Some variants come in liquid form.

To sum it up, the importance of fertilizers should be highlighted once more time. The useful elements are the key component of a rich harvest.