Daniel Doyle Pleasantville Photographer Shares 7 Tips For Amazing Social Media Photography
Getting a following on social media can help you improve your online presence, which matters if you’re a photographer. Doing so can be difficult at times, so it’s nice to look at advice approved by Daniel Doyle Pleasantville photographer and others. Make sure you check out these seven tips to help you create amazing social media photos.
Figure Out Your Niche
Keep in mind people take tons of pictures for social media, such as locations, events and many others. As you start to take pictures, you should identify a niche you want to focus on for your account. For example, if you enjoy taking pictures of buildings around the world, that might be the right niche for you.
However, don’t close your mind when it comes to niches and potential approaches. Instead, you could try out different types of pictures at first to help you find out which niche works best for you. As you do this, you can see which ones appeal to you the most, and then you can transition to the niche you think will work the best for your situation.
Focus on Background and Style
As you take photos, you should think about the background and style you want to focus on. As the link explains, you should think about what will be in the background of the pictures. For example, if you take pictures of nature, you may need to find the right angle to have a nice background with trees in it.
The same applies for the style you want to focus on. Some people like serious pictures while others like silly ones. Some like to take pictures of people while others will want pictures of buildings. You should figure out what styles and backgrounds fit into your niche to help you find the ideal pictures once you start taking them.
Plan Ahead of Time
On top of finding great backgrounds and identifying your style, you need to plan your photos as well. This means you should identify the photos you want to take, when you should take them and all the other details. This way, you can figure out the best moments to take pictures as you consider the time of day and various other points.
Planning matters since you need to think about the various details, such as tourists being in the area when you try to take pictures. As you plan, you can avoid problems and get the best pictures for your social media page. Planning plays a major role in social media photography, so make sure you put a heavy emphasis on it.
Identify Key Locations
As you create your plans, you must decide where you should take your pictures. For example, if you plan to take pictures in France, you should stop by the Eiffel Tower for some photos. Otherwise, people that look at your social media page may feel like your photos are missing something from them.
This will vary depending on the area you visit, but you should keep key and iconic locations in mind. Even though taking those photos may seem cliché at times, you can put your own twist on those images, especially if you take a selfie. It never hurts to take pictures of those iconic locations, so make sure you stop by.
Take Tons of Pictures
As you go to different places to take pictures for your social media account, you need to make sure you take lots of them. This may seem simple, but some photographers overlook this if they need to get multiple important pictures in a day. However, make sure you take some time to take multiple pictures of the same scene.
This may seem excessive, but you never know if you may end up with better pictures while taking multiples. Doing so will help you get the perfect picture since you can look through all of them to find the best one. It never hurts to take more pictures, plus you can always delete the ones that didn’t turn out that good.
Entertain and Engage
When you take pictures, you should focus on entertaining and engaging your audience through your photos. While you should do your best to promote yourself, people won’t want to look at your social media page if you don’t create good content. Due to this, you need to focus on entertainment and engagement first.
For example, you should take photos people will find entertaining since those will attract viewers to the page. From there, you should encourage others to leave comments and interact with your social media page, allowing it to gain more traction. Once you start to grow, you can put more focus on promoting yourself, as explained in the link.
Look Throughout the Session
You need to remain vigilant the entire time you take photos for your social media page. Sure, you may want to get specific shots of buildings or other important landmarks, but you also need to keep your eyes open. Doing so will help you look for other opportunities to get more pictures in the area.
Something unexpected and beautiful could happen near you as you take pictures. For example, if you go to the beach and take some photos of the ocean, you may overlook beautiful shells on the beach or animals nearby. Get the pictures you need, keep looking around and identify other pictures that would be great for your page.
People like Daniel Doyle Pleasantville photographer recognize the importance of social media photography. By getting into the social media scene, you have the opportunity to share tons of social media photos with people online. Make sure you remember these tips to make the most out of your social media photos.