WoW Classic Weird but Cool Items
Items that you can’t or are hard to get in Retail
Players rely on items more than they think. From consumables that replenish health or provide buffs to the equipment they wear, items are everywhere in World of Warcraft. Even the inventory for items revolves around WoW Classic bags, which is an item in itself.
At any rate, here are a few items that would be cool to have in WoW Classic.
Really Sticky Glue
Something that keeps enemies from moving is a boon to any WoW player. Really Sticky Glue does so for 10 seconds, and you can find it as early as level 5. Unfortunately, the quest is only for Horde players, and Alliance ones don’t have a counterpart for this. Another sad thing about it is that you can’t repeat the quest that awards it, and it only has 10 uses.
The quest is called “A Solvent Spirit”, and you can talk to Master Vornal in Kalimdor for them. Don’t let them rot in your inventories! Whether you use them in emergencies or purposefully, nothing’s worse than a WoW Classic item sitting useless in an inventory.
Savory Deviate Delight
Eating a Savory Deviate Delight can give you one of some various random effects. That includes:
2 minutes of Feign Death
Restore Rage by 30% (for Bear Druids and Warriors)
1 minute of increased cast speed
5 seconds of Fear
10 seconds of transformation into a Green Jelly
Restore Health
If you discover the recipe for it, it adds two more effects: transformation into a Pirate or a Ninja for an hour. Transformation items are rare in WoW, and this one having an effect lasting this long is rarer still. It also opens up roleplaying opportunities. Kill your rivals as a Pirate or a Ninja! You can even use pirate lingo or whatever the equivalent is for ninjas. This item may not have the best effects for raiding or combat, but it makes the game more fun
Carrot on a Stick
This item speeds up your mount by 3%. While that doesn’t seem like much, you get the edge over similarly leveled mounts. Whether you’re trying to catch up to that griefer or to run away from them, this item is your best bet. There’s not a lot of WoW Classic items that can speed up a mount, after all.
Get it by accepting the Gahz’rilla quest in the Shimmering Flats. After summoning and defeating Gahz’rilla, pick up the electrified scale and bring it back to Wizzle. He’ll give you the Carrot on a Stick.
Noggenfogger Elixir
Like the Savory Deviate Delight, consuming a Noggenfogger Elixir results in one of the following effects:
Slowfall for 2 minutes
Shrinks the user for 30 minutes
Transformation into a skeleton for 30 minutes (has the side effect of extending underwater breathing)
While Slowfall isn’t a very good effect, shrinking and the skeleton transformation can be great tools for roleplaying. Again, items that let your character transform are pretty rare, so why not use and enjoy them? Get it from Marin Noggenfogger when you’ve completed ‘The Thirsty Goblin’ quest. He’s available for both factions.
Piccolo of the Flaming Fire
Who doesn’t like dancing? Well, it doesn’t matter when you have the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire. When used, everybody within a certain radius from the user will start dancing. It’s great for coordinating dances and even flash mobs within the game. It’s just a great feeling seeing large groups of players dancing together. Whoever wanted to know how being the Pied Piper felt like should definitely grab one of these.
It can be obtained in Stratholme, by defeating Hearthsinger Forresten. It is a random drop, so be prepared to fight him again, and again. You have to be at least level 53.
For most of these WoW Classic items, you can’t use your WoW Classic gold to buy. In Retail, the rush to max level doesn’t exactly give leeway for these frivolous items. At least, when you’re going at your own pace, you can take the time to enjoy these kinds of things.
While some of them might still be available in Retail, they’re more readily accessible in Classic. Many such items became obsolete or got removed in Retail. Maybe it was because of what happened in the expansion or other reasons, but players can’t get them anymore. Good thing Classic still has them, so the fun they can bring can live on.
Enjoy World of Warcraft Classic with these items, and make sure to actually use these items!