The Return of Phosani’s Nightmare
Phosani’s Nightmare is officially back in 2021 with some much-needed changes that players are looking forward to.
It’s no surprise to many players that there’s been a lot of quests and special events that were held in Old School RuneScape over the many years since its launch. Some were memorable, while others don’t even ring a bill to long-time players anymore. Back in 2020, Jagex released Phosani’s Nightmare. It was like the hard mode version of The Nightmare which is a boss that’s located in Mortyania. The Nightmare dropped valuable items and even weapons such as the Inquisitor’s Mace and Nightmare staff. But alas, the event only lasted for a week and was removed after that. Not too many people were keen on trying Phosani’s Nightmare back then because players were only allowed to take on The Nightmare once a week. Thus, it had zero farming potential for OSRS gold and OSRS GP. This time, Jagex has a different plan in mind for Phosani’s Nightmare and a better version of last year’s fiasco at that.
A Rough Start
When Phosani’s Nightmare first came to Old School RuneScape, the reception wasn’t exactly eager to welcome it with open arms. Phosani’s Nightmare was primarily seen as a competition and not exactly as a great alternative or addition to the many farming methods for OSRS gold and OSRS GP. As a result, the quest didn’t exactly have any meaningful content outside of its scope. Another thing that irked the players during the initial release of Phosani’s Nightmare was that they were only able to fight it solo, meaning players couldn’t team up and form a party to take it down. Granted this is the reason why it’s a harder version compared to just facing The Nightmare, it would’ve been nice if Jagex added a co-op option for the other players and simply raised the health bar a bit higher for that type of situation.
The requirements weren’t that bad if players want to try Phosani’s Nightmare for themselves. All they had to do was to defeat The Nightmare (the normal version) at least once. There were a couple of differences between the normal and hard versions of The Nightmare. For instance, Phosani’s Nightmare has two types of attacks that can instantly kill the player. These moves are the Grasping Claws and Surge. The number of sleepwalkers that spawn also increases in Phosani’s Nightmare as players will have to face two of them instead of one.
Change is Good
Back then, one of the moderators of Jagex known as “Acorn” stated that Phosani’s Nightmare was simply a test to see if it would be worth doing something similar to it in the future. Well, now is that time and the future has arrived. Now that Phosani’s Nightmare is set to return to Old School RuneScape as a fully-fledged boss, Jagex is planning to put more effort into it than last time. In many previous patches and updates about certain events or quests that are coming to OSRS, Jagex has always tried to listen to its players. For Phosani’s Nightmare, there will be a survey that’ll be conducted that allows players to provide feedback on the initial suggestions that they pitched to them initially. Jagex already has a couple of suggestions themselves that they would like to do. The main priority is to truly differentiate the regular Nightmare versus Phosani’s Nightmare. Some of the changes that Jagex is planning to do for Phosani’s Nightmare include random phase rotations, a new phase that players will have to learn and adapt to, and more special attacks to the character’s arsenal.
Perhaps the greatest change that Jagex plans to implement for Phosani’s Nightmare so far is that the rewards will be increased–at least compared to The Nightmare of Ashihama. What’s more, one of the drops that will be included is an OSRS item that’s able to mutate the Little Nightmare pet that players already have access to into a rarer and more hard-to-find variant. So far, the only thing that’s not going to change is the requirements. Players will still have to defeat The Nightmare of Ashihama (regular version) and everything can only be done solo.
Phosani’s Nightmare is looking to be a better version of what it was in 2020. Jagex is still taking feedback from its players and with additional polls being added, it looks like there’s more than going to change for the event. One thing that players would probably like the most is to make the event, not just a once-a-week affair. Should Jagex open their mind to the idea of making Phosani’s Nightmare into at least a twice-a-week thing, many players would instantly jump in. Not only will it become a great way to farm OSRS gold and OSRS GP, but it can potentially entice players to play the game more than they would like. What do you think of the things Jagex is planning for Phosani’s Nightmare? Let us know your perspective about this down below.