The Beginner’s Guide to Cook With CBD Oil
With the increasing popularity of CBD oil, even the newest chefs want to experiment with it. It easily goes along with any sweet and savory dish. You can add it to any dish you want and the result won’t disappoint you.
CBD is the short form for cannabidiol – a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It helps your body to relax, relieves anxiety, depression and can also prevent cancer. Thus, it has many medical benefits added to it.
If you are a beginner and looking for how to start with CBD oil. Here’s your guide-
1. Needs right temperature
CBD is sensitive to heat. Warming CBD can add to its effectiveness. But if the heat is more than required, it will burn off the effects of the oil. So, you need to keep the heat under check.
To avoid this tricky business, it is advisable to not use CBD oil over hot surfaces directly but add it once the dish cools. Like, don’t add the oil in the cake batter but instead, add it in the icing. This way you wouldn’t have to worry about the temperature and its effectiveness will still be there.
2. The quantity used.
If you’re using CBD for the first time, keep it to a low quantity. Once your body starts responding well to it, you can increase the intake. And once you get used to using CBD oil in your meals, you will understand what works for you and your taste.
It is advisable to use quality products of flavorless and odorless CBD oil. The low-quality oils have artificial additives and low CBD content. Don’t forget to consider the potency of the product before use. You need to see what potency suits your body.
3. The correct way to store.
Like we discussed, CBD is sensitive to heat. Hence, the best way to store it is in a dark and cool place, away from light. This will also prevent it from being spoiled. Also, the quality and taste will be maintained.
Store CBD oil in airtight dark bottles to prevent it from excess heat and oxygen, Keep it away from windows and air-conditioners. You can store this oil like the way you store any other oil- olive oil or coconut oil.
4. CBD oil takes time to show its effects.
According to a 2019 Consumer Reports CBD Survey, 40% of people of the age group 18-29 have tried CBD. It is said that CBD takes longer to digest. But again, it depends on the way you consume it. Some effects can be seen in only 15 minutes while the others take at least 2-3 hours to be visible.
This is because when you’re consuming CBD with food, it first has to pass through your gut and liver before mixing with the blood. Only then, it shows its effects.
5. CBD can be consumed with ….?
Now, this can be your biggest confusion. You can consume it with any food. Even though it has not been proven yet that it cannot be consumed with alcohol but you have to be cautious. At least, then don’t drink and drive. This is because the effects of alcohol and CBD oil can mix and can get heavy on you.
Also, if you’re inviting guests over and cooking food with CBD, inform them. If they’re under certain medications, CBD oil will not be advisable for them.
6. Works best with fats.
CBD oil has shown the best results with fats. It is fat-soluble. This means that your body will absorb it better when consumed with fat. You can use it along with any routine oil that you use i.e., olive oil, coconut oil, etc. You can also use it with other fat-rich products like butter.
With CBD, you have many recipes and you can also invent some of your own. The most favorites are CBD Mango Smoothie or CBD Fresh Mint Tea. You can also make CBD Oil Pizzas, CBD Brownies, or CBD Bliss Balls. It can go with everything. People have now started using it in baking products too.
For the first time, make sure that it suits your body before making it a daily habit. After that, you are good to use it with every meal.