How to File a Roofing Insurance Claim
One day after another, your home’s roof is the first line of defense when facing the elements. Any damage to the roof and its subsequent repair or replacement can prove to be troubling for most homeowners.
Insurance companies, on their part, are wary of roofing insurance claims, and for a valid reason. Generally, a damaged roof leads to far bigger damage claims.
Navigating claims, dealing with contractors, and talking to public adjusters is a complicated process. This article can help you with some easy-to-follow steps to make the process easier for you to understand. Or you can reach to Friedman & Associates Public Adjusting for help.
1. Assess Your Damage.
The first step is to figure out the extent of the damage. If you are unsure of making an accurate judgment on your own, hire a local roofing contractor.
The roofing contractor provides you a detailed report of the damage, and the repairs you need to carry out. Some roofing companies have public adjusters, who can discuss with your insurer on your behalf.
2. Check Your Policy Coverage
Typically, the insurance company sends an inspector to review and validate your claim. If the inspector determines the damage to be from wear and tear, or aging, you may find it difficult to obtain approval under the policy conditions.
3. Document Your Roof Damage
Prepare a detailed account of the damage, and a summary of repairs needed to fix your roof. Click photographs extensively. Document any damage to the interiors because of the roof damage.
Any photos of the exterior from before, help prove that the damage is recent. All this information helps in a hassle-free and smooth claims process.
4. Contact Your Insurer
There is usually a stipulated time within which you need to contact your insurer, in the event of a damage claim. Try to contact your insurance agent as soon as you can.
Talk to him to find out the correct procedure for filing your claim. Also, enquire about your insurance company’s procedures for repairs and roof replacements.
5. Choose a Roofing Contractor
Try to look for contractors with experience in providing repair estimates for claims. Some roofing contractors employ public adjusters to deal with the insurers on your behalf.
6. File Your Claim
Ask your agent to help you file a claim. Make sure not to leave out any crucial evidence or information that supports your claim.
7. Meet Your Insurance Adjuster
Your insurance adjuster helps you determine the reasons as well as the extent of damages. The adjuster creates a detailed statement containing the description of damages, with photos.
Remember to share the repairs estimate received from the contractor with your adjuster. Your adjuster plays a crucial role in the process by submitting a comprehensive report and helping you at every step of your claims process.
8. Replace Your Roof
Once you receive approval from the insurer, it is time to hire a local roofing contractor of your choice to start working on the roof repairs.
Typically, the insurers advance half the settlement amount to help you begin repairs. The company releases the balance upon completion, minus the deductible.