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Skin and Hair Conditions

Does Soft Water Help Protect From Bad Skin and Hair Conditions?

Soft water is without arguments, the best kind of water to use for your hair and the skin. If you suddenly realized your skin gets really dry after a shower or that your hair starts to breakout after it comes in contact with the water from your tap, this could be because you are showering and washing your hair with hard water. In this situation, the best choice is to immediately make the switch to soft water.

Before elaborating further on how soft water is beneficial to your hair and skin, let’s take a look at what soft water is.

What is soft water?

soft water wash hand
Soft water is water which can be found on the surface and has a low concentration of ions such as magnesium and calcium. While hard water can be softened to soft water with water filters from Secure Aqua, soft water can be naturally gotten in places where rainfall or river basins drainage passes through rocks with low quantity of calcium. The difference between soft and hard water is that while soft water contains little or no calcium and magnesium, hard water contains these ions in large quantity.

How to know you have soft water

  • Slippery feel: When you shower with soft water, it leaves this slippery feel on your body. You almost feel like the lather wasn’t properly washed off.
  • Saltiness: If the soft water ever gets into your mouth, it will have a salty taste. This is because soft water contains a high amount of sodium.
  • Lightness: Generally water is very light, but soft water feels much lighter on the skin than hard water does. When you step under the shower, soft water almost feels like a breeze on the skin.
  • Retains natural oils: Unlike hard water which washes off your natural body oils and causes your skin to dry up when you shower, soft water helps you retain these oils, keeping your skin moisturized and soft.

Soft water and hair

soft water wash
As a woman, you always want to have your hair looking shiny and healthy. In order to achieve this, it is important to protect your hair from all kinds of unfavorable conditions. This involves washing your hair frequently to take out dust, dirt and even germs. While washing hair is good for the hair, washing your hair with the wrong kind of water might do your hair more harm than good. Hard water causes hair breakout and dryness, but soft water has so many benefits for your hair. Here are some of the effects of soft water on your hair.

  • Shampoo is more effective with soft water

The importance of shampoo when washing hair is to take out dirt and keep the hair and scalp clean. When washing your hair with hard water, the shampoo will not be as effective as it is supposed to be. This is because hard water does not allow shampoo lather properly. Hard water kills the lather properties of the shampoo, and if the shampoo does not lather, it will not go around the hair properly to clean out dirt. This leaves behind remnants of dirt particles in your hair.

  • Hair does not rinse out properly

After washing your hair, it is important to rinse out lather and conditioner properly from your hair. This is to have your hair clean and set to be styled. Failure to rinse out lather from your hair will cause it to tangle. It could also cause a shampoo buildup which makes the hair appear dull. Soft water is very light and slippery, so it flows through your hair easily and cleans out lather and conditioner. Also after relaxing your hair, it is essential that the relaxer is washed out properly in order to avoid burns and hair loss.

  • Gives a soothing feel

Just as the name connotes, soft water is very soft. When you wash your hair with soft water, it gives your scalp a soothing feel. Most ladies when suffering itches in their scalp look forward to washing their hair so as to sooth the itch with water. This is not always the case when hard water is used. Hard water causes hair to itch and break. Soft water, on the other hand, will give you a more pleasant experience when washing your hair.

  • Healthier hair growth

Soft water contains little or no calcium and magnesium. This makes it the healthy choice for washing hair. Calcium and magnesium are often responsible for causing hair damage as in hard water. Also due to its light nature, soft water locates the hair follicles and seeps through them easily, causing hair shafts to get renewed.

Soft water and skin

safe water skin
Having dry skin is very frustrating for most people. While some people have naturally dry skin, others get dry skin due to showering with the wrong type of water. Using the wrong kind of water for an already dry skin can also worsen the situation of the skin. Soft water remains the best option to shower with, and the reasons include:

  • Clear skin

Using soft water to shower gives you clear skin. Due to its light and slippery nature, soft water flows through your skin while you shower, washing off dirt and any particle down with it. This helps keep your pores open, causing your skin to glow, unlike hard water which clogs up pores, storing dirt inside your pores.

  • It lathers

In order to be clean after a shower, it is important to shower with soap. Soft water allows the soap lather and washes your body through properly. This way any dirt will be clean out each time you shower, leaving your brand new.

  • Smooth skin

Soft water does not wash out your skin oils which can result in skin dryness. Instead, it helps your skin retain moisture which keeps your skin smooth and glowing.

Soft water helps to protect your skin and hair from dryness and breakouts. If you live in an environment with hard water, you can soften your water with Secure Aqua. Secure Aqua makes it their responsibility to provide you with good water for showering, drinking and so on. For more information, visit

Author Bio:- Jake Thompson

Jake is a clean water enthusiast and blogger. He has spent his university days in Chicago studying various water filtration technologies and now enjoys helping people live healthier lives when it comes to water consumption.