A career in Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is by far, one of the broadest disciplines in the engineering fields. In essence, mechanical engineers are in charge of manufacturing of many products, including medical devices and batteries. Furthermore, mechanical engineers also oversee the design of power-producing machinery such as electricity generators, internal combustion engines, steam, and gas turbines.
Moreover, they also work on power-consuming machines, including refrigerators, and air-conditioning systems.
Beyond that, mechanical engineers also work on designing machines such as elevators, and escalators, as well as material-handling systems, including conveyor systems, and automated transfer stations. With so many multinational corporations setting up shop in India, job opportunities for mechanical engineering degree holders have surged to keep up with the ever-growing economies in South East Asia. For the best job opportunities, begin your search at jobsora.com, where you’ll find listings from some of the best engineering firms in the world. For example, you will find a listing from:
- Architectural, engineering, and related services.
- Computer and electronic product manufacturing.
- Machinery manufacturing.
- Scientific research and development services.
- Transportation equipment manufacturing.
The mechanical engineering work environment
Since mechanical engineers are responsible for the integration of controllers, sensors, and machinery, which involves extensive use of computers. In a nutshell, computers assist them in creating, analyzing, conduct simulations and test their products, and also uncover how their products will work, cooperate with other systems, and produce specifications for the parts of the product.
Here are other typical jobs mechanical engineers do:
- Auto research engineering: This field deals with performance improvement of cars, through improving car features such as suspensions, aerodynamics, and fuels.
- Heating and cooling systems engineering: These engineers create and maintain environmental systems, which regulate the temperature and humidity for aircraft, trains, vehicles, schools, and more.
- Robotic engineering: This involves developing, building, and maintaining sensors for robots to use in detecting a thing. Moreover, they figure out how these sensors will fit into the overall design of the robots.
In general, mechanical engineers will spend most of their time in offices, but also make occasional visits on-site, to solve problems. In any case, their work will involve collaborating with other engineers, namely engineering technicians, and other professionals.
Careers Related to Mechanical Engineering
Here are other career opportunities related to mechanical engineering:
- Architectural and Engineering Managers: This involves planning and coordinating activities in architectural and engineering firms.
- Drafters: A drafter uses computer software to create technical drawings from the designs of engineers. In most cases, drafters will specialize in mechanical drafting and uses these technical drawing to designs everything from microchips to skyscrapers.
- Materials Engineers: This involves developing, processing, and testing the materials that will be used in constructing all kinds of products, including computer chips and aircraft wings. The materials are studies to create new materials, which can meet the necessary mechanical, electrical, and chemical specifications.
- Mathematicians and Statisticians: To solve real-world problems in mechanical engineering involves analyzing and interpreting data.
- Mechanical Engineering Technicians: This involves designing, developing, testing, and manufacturing mechanical devices, such as tools, engines, and other machinery. In essence, the mechanical technician will make sketches and rough layouts of the products, record and analyze data from testing, make calculations and estimates, and prepare a final report on their findings.
- Natural Sciences Managers: This job involves supervising the work of scientists, such as chemists, physicists, and biologists, in matters related to research and development, by coordinating, testing, quality control, and production.
- Nuclear Engineers: A nuclear engineer is involved in the research and development of most of the processes, instruments, and systems that directly benefit from the production of nuclear energy and ration. As such, many nuclear engineers will find employment in industries, and medical institutions, where radioactive material is used in equipment; such as medical diagnosis and treatment.
- Petroleum Engineers: The petroleum engineer works on designing and developing processes for oil and gas extraction below the Earth’s surface, and old wells. Since India has vast oil and gas deposits, this is one of the most popular career paths for graduates.
- Physicists and Astronomers: They study how various forms of matter and energy interact, and the nature of time, as well as the origin of the universe. As such, their job involves designing and performing experiments using sophisticated equipment.
- Sales Engineers: To sell sophisticated scientific and technological equipment and services, the sales engineer must have extensive knowledge of how the product functions, and the scientific process that goes into making the parts of these equipment work as they should.