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What Hobby to Pick Up in College

For many people, college is a breaking point in their lives. Habits change, and new opportunities arise. The world turns upside down in a matter of weeks. And this sometimes means that you are no longer interested in your old hobbies. Losing a way to relieve stress and recharge your mental energy at a time like this is less than desirable.

That’s why it is in your best interests to find new ways to entertain yourself as soon as possible. This might not look like the kind of thing that should be at the top of your priority list. However, a good hobby (or lack thereof) can become a difference between a successful academic year and a horrible hellscape of burnout and declining grades.

So, the earlier you address this matter, the better. Of course, you can always win some time by using write my paper with WritePaper writers services. But these can only bail you out for so long. 

Here are a couple of ideas that might help you get on track.

Something Active

The absolute majority of students spend their days in front of a computer screen and sitting (or sleeping) through lectures. In order to allow your body to properly recharge, you have to balance your lifestyle out. Take the strain off your mind and put your body to work. Meditative sports work best.

Consider swimming, jogging, boxing, yoga. Even if you’re not a big fan of active leisure, the benefits of sports far outweigh any reservations you may have. It will improve your discipline. It will get your blood flowing and thus improve your focus and cognitive abilities. It will keep you in shape. Basically, there’s no reason not to consider it.

And if you’re not sure whether you have enough willpower to keep exercising regularly – get a gym membership. Money spent in advance will give you some motivation to work out. You can also convince a friend to join you in your daily runs. It’s much easier to get out of bed when you know someone’s counting on you.

Something Social

For a lot of students, college means a total change of social circles. And whether you like it or not – you will have to make some new friends eventually. In fact, the sooner you do that – the better. However, if you are not a very talkative type, it might prove to be quite a challenge. So you might as well find a hobby that combines an interesting activity with meeting new people.

There are more options than you might think. You may look for a place in student government, join a book club, try to join a debating team, or do some interviewing for a student newspaper. Basically, any sort of hobby that would make you busy while also making you interact with new people on a regular basis works. You will meet some interesting people and have an opportunity to build lasting friendships in no time.

Something Unusual

You are at a point in your life where your inner energy reserves and freedom create a perfect balance. Use this opportunity to make time for something you might not be able to do later. Always wanted to learn to play an instrument and join a band? Great. Interested in horseback riding? Amazing. Finally mustered the courage to take a shot at skydiving? Sign up immediately.

There may be some hobbies you didn’t even know existed. Look around, and you’ll definitely find some pretty weird but also very interesting activities to pick up. Historical medieval martial arts, cosplaying, blacksmithing? If you’re slightly taken aback in a sort of intrigued way – it’s probably worth a shot.

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. It’s not going to get any better or easier. You either act on your dreams now or let them decay into an ever-growing pile of regrets. And don’t think about it too much. You’ll have time to reflect on it later. Worst case scenario – you don’t like it and drop it on the spot. In any case – it’s a great learning experience.

Something Familiar

Perhaps you’re so homesick that you’re simply not in the mood to seek adventures. That’s a bad spot to be in. However, there are ways to remedy this situation. Look for hobbies that mirror the things you’ve left behind. Perhaps there’s a tabletop gaming club in this new area. Your new party may not be as close as your old one. But it’s better than nothing. Or maybe you used to go camping with your friends every couple of months. Surely, you’ll be able to find a group of people with similar interests that will help you feel right at home.

Or you could even look for something practical. For example, getting into cooking could help you create familiar dishes, just like you used to get at home. Painting or carpenting could fix you up with skills to furnish your new home with replicas of familiar old decor. Plus, these skills will surely come in handy later in your life. So it’s definitely a win-win situation.

And if you can’t find anything remotely the same – start your own thing. Sure, it may take some time. But the results are worth it. Bring a piece of home with you, share it with your new friends. Build something familiar from the ground up. It’s an effort- and time-consuming experience. But it is really rewarding.

Something Practical

Today’s market values highly specialized professionals more than generalists. But it never hurts to have at least a cursory understanding of adjacent subjects and professions. If anything, it would be an advantage during an interview. For example, you’re thinking of going into coding. In that case, it might be a good idea to pick up some web design or learn some animation and 3D modeling if you’re thinking of becoming a digital artist.

Alternatively, you could look into backup options in case your education doesn’t lead you the way you want it to. In this case – the sky’s the limit. If you are going into tech, you can either jump to a different specialization or drop STEM altogether and go for scriptwriting. As long as you have fun with it – it will work just as fine as any other more traditional hobby you can think of.


It is extremely hard to maintain constant focus on academic excellence without any way to unwind after a hard week. So setting something up can help you get used to this new lifestyle. It’s great if you can find a new true passion. However, it largely doesn’t matter what it is you do at the end of the day. As long as it helps you take your mind off of college worries – it will do just fine.

And even if your first experience wasn’t as great as you’d hoped it would be – don’t let your hands down. Keep trying to find a niche you would feel comfortable in. It may take some time. But eventually, you will find yourself in a good company doing something pretty cool.