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Top 6 Natural Remedies for Hangover

It is normal to wake up to hangover signs such as nausea, extreme fatigue, dizziness and a throbbing headache after an evening of drinking alcohol. Usually, when you drink alcohol, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and the digestive tract (stomach) before it is metabolized in the liver to produce acetaldehyde. You get a hangover when your body works to eliminate this toxic product. 

If you are a beer enthusiast, you don’t have to worry about feeling terrible after taking your handcrafted beer coupled with a Perdomo special craft series cigar. You can avoid a hangover by drinking minimally and taking a few other steps. 

Be sure to the following things to avoid a hangover:

  • Hydrate enough before drinking
  • Drink moderately
  • Eat well before drinking
  • Avoid drinks containing high congener levels

Now that you are drunk and you’re already in a bout of a hangover, the following remedies will help you ease the pain that comes with it. 

1. Hydrate Often

Dehydration is a major cause of hangovers. Alcohol in its nature is a diuretic, which means it leads to frequent urination. If you urinate more, you’ll get dehydrated and worsen hangover symptoms. If you plan to drink in the evening, stay hydrated through the day and drink lots of water before you sleep.

The rule here is that you take in as much water as is lost, but alcohol can deter you from this. Your best bet is to sip small amounts in between drinks. And if you wake up to a hangover, drink enough water and an electrolyte drink to restore lost electrolytes and have a rest. 

2. Eat a Well Balanced Meal Before and After Drinking

Before a night of indulgence in beer with a Perdomo special craft series pilsner, you need to eat nutrient-rich food to help the body in alcohol metabolism. Research shows that food and alcohol increase the efficiency of breaking down the latter. 

If you’re already hangovered, eat complex carbohydrates like vegetables and fruits to absorb alcohol that is absorbed in the liver. Bananas are highly recommended as they contain potassium which depletes alcohol in the system. You can also take coconut water as it is highly recommended. 

3. Avoid Medications That React With Alcohol

Some drugs, when taken together with alcohol, cause dizziness and drowsiness, increasing hangover effects. Drugs containing acetaminophen should especially be avoided during a hangover. 

The liver breaks down both alcohol and acetaminophen, so when it gets overworked, it is more susceptible to the medication effects when you’re drunk. This could lead to liver damage in severe cases. 

You can take anti-inflammatories like naproxen and ibuprofen instead for pain relief. 

4. Drink a Caffeinated Drink

Caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee are believed to ease symptoms associated with a hangover. Green tea, black tea and coffee contain antioxidants and will reduce alcohol effects in the body. 

However, you should note that these drinks with caffeine are diuretics, thus leading to dehydration. You should therefore drink enough water while at this. 

5. Go for Antioxidants

Taking antioxidants counteracts the oxidative process caused by alcohol. Oxidative stress produces free radicals, which could lead to severe health conditions like heart disease. To reduce the alcohol effects in your body, consider eating foods rich in antioxidants. 

The sources include:

  • Ginger
  • Grapes
  • Carrots
  • Dark chocolate
  • Spinach
  • Nuts and seeds

6. Get Enough Sleep

Alcohol reduces sleep quality and leads to disturbances in different people. Studies show that small amounts of alcohol promote sleep while large amounts disrupt normal sleep patterns. If you fail to sleep, your hangover symptoms like headache and fatigue will be worsened. 

Give yourself enough night sleep to allow the body to recover from symptoms and help you feel better. Time is the realest remedy for a hangover, and it would be best if you spend this time in bed. 

What Contributes to Hangover Levels?

When you pair your cream ale or pilsner with any Perdomo special craft series, you’re likely to experience different hangover reactions depending on several factors. Things that can determine a person’s length and severity of a hangover include:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Body mass
  • Type of alcohol taken
  • Amount drunk
  • How often the person drinks

Genetics may also affect the severity in different people. Trying to find out how alcohol affects your body will take some time since there’s no scientific documentation of the same. 


There is no sure and proven way to cure a hangover. The above remedies will help you relieve the symptoms. Enjoy your drink responsibly and if you’re a craft enthusiast, pair it with a Perdomo special craft series and drink your evening away. Remember to hydrate frequently.