Making a Big Move to Los Angeles Less Stressful
There are a variety of reasons for which people relocate to Los Angeles. Many transplants aspire to go into acting, filmmaking and other creative fields, whereas some people just want to enjoy year-round beautiful weather and abundant local culture. Whatever your reason for relocating, adjusting to life in Dodger City is no small feat. Even if you’ve spent time in other major metropolises, you’re sure to find that Los Angeles is an animal all its own. While becoming acclimated to L.A. life can certainly be challenging, there are numerous ways to make your big move less stressful.
Secure a Job or Build Your Savings
While it’s not the most expensive city in the U.S., Los Angeles has a comparatively high cost of living. For this reason, it’s recommended that you be financially prepared for the many expenses that await you in the City of Angels. One option is securing a job in advance of your big move. This can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that you don’t spend your first few weeks in L.A. searching for gainful employment. However, since some companies are wary of hiring out-of-state applicants, make sure to emphasize how committed you are to relocating in every cover letter you send out.
If you don’t want to begin your job search before arriving in Los Angeles, you’d do well to build up your savings before heading out. At minimum, you should have $5,000 in savings before charting a course for L.A. Conversely, transplants who prefer to play things safe should have at least $10,000 put away.
Find Affordable Storage Solutions
As is the case with other major cities, rents are much higher in Los Angeles than in many other parts of the country. So, unless you have a great job lined up or have a princely sum in savings, there’s a good chance you’ll have to settle for a place that’s smaller than you’d prefer. While some people are perfectly content with compact living quarters, this can be a problem for transplants who own a plethora of personal possessions. To free up some space in your pad, consider seeking out affordable outside storage solutions. Renting a secure storage unit will ensure that you’re able to safely store any items for which you have no immediate need but don’t wish to part ways with. Fortunately, when searching for storage Los Angeles options, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding units in your desired price range.
Preparing for Los Angeles Traffic
Unlike other bustling metropolises, in which most citizens commute through a combination of walking and public transit, the vast majority of Angelinos drive. This is due largely in part to the fact that Los Angeles was designed with motorists in mind. That being the case, getting anywhere in L.A. in a timely manner will require you to own a vehicle. Further complicating matters is the infamous congestion that plagues Dodger City traffic at every turn. Depending on where you live, a simple trip to the grocery store can take as long as several hours.
People who have never experienced traffic on such a massive scale are likely to have trouble adjusting to the glacial pace at which it commonly moves in Los Angeles. You can help offset some of the potential inconveniences caused by L.A. traffic by giving yourself abundant leeway time. For example, to avoid arriving at work late, make a point of leaving half an hour earlier than you would in your previous locale. Although this is guaranteed to take some getting used to, you’ll soon adjust to planning your schedule around unpredictable traffic conditions.
For many transplants, life in Los Angeles is a dream come true. In addition to enjoying gorgeous weather all year long and living in the showbiz capital of the world, Angelinos have access to creative job opportunities that are difficult to come by in other parts of the country. L.A. truly is a one-of-a-kind – for better and for worse. As such, if you’re unprepared for some of the more difficult aspects of Dodger City living, you’re liable to find your transition process incredibly stressful and frustrating. To avoid, simply put the measures discussed above to good use.