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How to Prevent AC Problems in the Summer

An air conditioner is a vital piece of equipment, particularly during the hot summer months. However, it is prone to problems at this busy period, just like any other equipment, and you could at any time find that you require air conditioner repair services. Air conditioning repairs in the middle of summer are a pain. But there are preventive steps you can take to lessen the chances of this happening in the first place. 

Because an air conditioner has so many interlinked elements, it might break down for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to reduce your chances of incurring this expense. We’ll show you how to achieve that today by discussing several strategies to avoid an air conditioner breakdown this summer!

And if you need experts at any instance, contact ‘Air and Energy of NWFL’ right away.

Match the size of your air conditioner to the size of your room

There was a trend a few years ago to upsize household HVAC equipment. “If sufficient is excellent, more powerful is much better” was the idea behind it. Users now know that this is not the reality; in fact, it may be counterproductive to your attempts to keep your home cool all year. It would be like installing a high-performance sports car engine in the frame of a family sedan: you’re more likely to burn it out than enjoy a speedier ride.

There is an advantage to upgrading your air conditioner if it is not powerful enough to keep your room cool. However, needing to upgrade just to stay cool can be a big pain if your current air conditioner is still in good shape!

A two-phase method is frequently recommended here: 1) Insulate as much as possible, and 2) consider installing ductless air conditioners in places that are frequently underserved by your central air conditioner.

Air conditioners with no ducts are a fantastic invention. They are both inexpensive to install and operate. They are compact and tiny. They are great at keeping rooms cool. They can also be paired to enable temperature control in add-on spaces utilizing a zoning system. Best of all, a ductless A/C unit can perform as well as a central A/C unit while outperforming a standard window unit. It has the ability to change the temperature and humidity. Even if it isn’t being used as an air conditioner or a heater, it can provide ventilation and air filtering. And with only annual safety and maintenance inspections, it can last for years.

Don’t forget to get your annual tune-up

This is, without a doubt, the most effective technique to keep your air conditioner from shutting down this summer. You need to execute necessary maintenance activities and evaluate your system for any faults during a tune-up, both of which can considerably lessen the likelihood of your system experiencing problems in the months ahead. To guarantee that your system is ready for the summer heat, do your tune-up as soon as possible.

Use a whole-house dehumidifier

A whole-home dehumidifier is a wise option when humidity becomes a problem throughout the house. These devices work miracles by regulating humidity levels in your residence with each cycle by attaching to your pre-existing HVAC system. Whole-home dehumidifiers are an economical and effective solution to your humidity problems because they work with most HVAC systems.

Install Fans for Ventilation

Everyday activities such as bathing and cooking can have a far greater impact on indoor moisture than you may imagine. Install ventilation fans or exhaust vents in the kitchen then each bathroom if you haven’t already. Turn them on whenever you cook or bathe to send humid air from the stove or shower outside rather than letting it circulate throughout your home’s air supply. To lessen the risk of humidity problems, take hot showers or do most of your cooking early in the morning or late at night.

Look for evidence of water leaks

Take a quick glance around your indoor unit for any traces of water while you’re inspecting your air filter every month. If you see any leaks on or around your system, call a professional to have your drain pan and condensate line inspected before the water causes any serious damage.

Check and/or replace your filter every month

One of the most common reasons for air conditioner difficulties is a filthy air filter, which is completely avoidable. A clogged filter restricts airflow in your system, causing it to overwork and produce a variety of issues. By inspecting and/or changing your filter once a month, you can easily avoid filter problems. It will only take you a minute!

Install and learn how to operate a programmable thermostat

Install new thermostats to replace older control systems, which are much more accurate and thus save energy. Thermostats that may be managed remotely via your smartphone or tablet are also available.

Clear the area surrounding your outside unit

Because your air conditioner’s outdoor unit needs space to breathe, you should mow the grass around it and trim any bushes or other foliage that may be in the way. Make sure there is no obstruction within a few feet of your outside unit.

Make sure the space around your inside unit is clean

Don’t overlook your indoor unit while you’re taking care of your outdoor unit! Clean up the area surrounding your air handling unit to help prevent dirt accumulation, and avoid storing anything near the unit so that you and your technician can readily access it.

Reduce the amount of heat that enters your home

Minimizing the quantity of heat that enters your home is another approach to reduce the load on your air conditioner. During the day, covering your window shades will help block out the sun’s heat. Also, when it’s cooler outside, use heat-producing equipment like your washing machine, dishwasher, and dryer at night.

When you suspect a problem, call immediately

Air conditioner problems worsen over time, and the longer you wait to call for service, the more chance your system will fail. As soon as you notice an issue with your system, contact a professional.

Consider investing in a new air conditioner

Consider updating to an Energy Star system if your cooling system is more than a decade old or no longer keeps your home comfortable. New air conditioners have cutting-edge technology and great efficiency to keep your home cool and dry regardless of the weather.

Regular maintenance provides peace of mind

AC maintenance helps you avoid a variety of air conditioning repairs and gives you peace of mind that your system will function well for longer, especially if you do frequent checkups throughout the year. Keeping up with your AC tune-ups will improve the performance of your system and save you money on energy expenditures.