The WoW Style

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3 Exterior Home Improvements to Make in 2024

We know it’s cold right now, but that’s no reason to start neglecting the exterior of your home. After all, the exterior of a house gives new guests their first impression, and taking care of it shows that you have pride in the way you present your house to the world. As the new year fast approaches, you might be thinking about which home improvements to make to the exterior of your home. Let this article be your guide.

1. Get a New Paint Job

The exterior of your house doesn’t need painting very often, so if it’s been a few years since you last gave the paintwork a touch-up, then it might be time to think about breaking out the paint pots and brushes. If you’ve got stucco on the exterior of your house, then you’ll need to paint it every five years. Other materials still need regular touch-ups to stop them from looking dull and worn.

Painting the outside of your home allows your creativity to flow. You can either bring the current paint job to life, or you can opt for a completely new color for your home. Recent years have seen a rise in unusually colored houses, which means you don’t have to stick to white anymore.

2. Make the Yard Pop With Landscaping

It seems like an obvious improvement to make when thinking about the exterior of your home, but is the yard looking good? If not, then you need to start thinking about how to bring your yard back to life. Think about the plants that you want to dot around the yard. Also, consider if you want any hardscaping or if you want a swimming pool installed. Proper planning will help your home shine. Did you know that well-maintained trees and shrubs could give your home’s value a boost as big as 14%?

If you are going to install new flowerbeds or lawns, then you need to start thinking about the best nutrients for them. One of the best things you can use is straw mulch. It’s great for plants, and it will last you anywhere between three and six months. Well-fed plants will look nicer and more vibrant.

3. Think About Lighting

Exterior lighting can bring your outdoor space to life. There is no limit to the number of avenues you can go down when it comes to making outside lighting work. You can use it to illuminate walkways and give your yard more cohesion, or you can use it as ambient lighting around the foundation of your house.

LEDs are a great idea for exterior lights. They use so much less energy than traditional lightbulbs, and they’re also much easier to maintain. Outdoor lighting is more than just an aesthetic choice, though. It also provides an extra layer of security for your home. Burglars are far less likely to opt for a well-lit house when trying to pick a target, so it pays to light up your exterior.

Exterior Renovations Made Easy

Improving the exterior of your home can seem like a daunting and complex process. There are many things that you need to focus on to make sure that you get a stunning exterior, but it doesn’t have to be a confusing process. Breaking the job down into manageable chunks will help you immensely. Start with the tips in this list, and then note down any other ideas that come into your head while you’re working.

Once you get a few renovation jobs done outside your home, you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes. Not only can you look at the work you’ve done and be proud, you can be assured that you’ve boosted the value of your home. So, what are you waiting for? Time to get in the yard and renovate!